Thursday, May 28, 2015

Culture of Life Group!

Hello everyone!
I hope everyone has had a lovely day whenever you are reading this blog post. I am currently writing this post with finals a week away, but there is something very exciting I wanted to talk to everyone about!
It's been an idea of mine for awhile to start some type of pro-life group or a group promoting the culture of life in general. I wasn't sure whether it was something God wanted me to do...but one day (3/11/2015 to be specific) I went into my school's chapel to spend some time in prayer and was praying to God about the group. When I left to use the restroom, I had not noticed any bugs or insects in the chapel. After taking a rosary from the book stand in the outside of the chapel, I went back inside the chapel and was about to kneel down. Then, I saw a bug on the ground and found it strange...I'm not really a fan of bugs, so when I saw this bug where I was going to kneel down, I almost killed it. But stopped.
I thought about the mission of the group I wanted to create. It was to protect life of all living things, and that counted bugs. Then I made a connection that maybe when a unexpected pregnant woman thinks that she feels threatened or not alright because of her child, she will want to kill the child in order to provide "safety" for herself. I felt at that moment, it could be connected to why I wanted to kill the bug in order to cause me ease, but that was not the correct thing to do. We need to let everything a chance to live, because that is what is deserved and entitled.
Anyways, back to the is happening!!! I discussed the ideas with my friends and we've brought it up with our campus ministry, and it should become an official group next school year :) I am so thankful that everything is working out. In our group, we wanted to protect all life and promote the culture of life. I am so excited to share this wonderful news with everyone. Since my city still has a Planned Parenthood, I am hoping that with this Respect for Life group, we will be taking another step in the movement towards a culture of life.


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